Like any precious heirloom, your new
pearl jewelry will need some care to protect its natural beauty. Rarely clean the pearls gently with a soft lint free cloth dipped in mild soapy water such as that created by mixing a single drop of usual Ivory brand dish soap into a sink full of luke warm water. Then wash the cloth in fresh clean warm water and wipe the pearls clean with a soft motion. Place the pearls on a soft dry cloth and permit them to dry before wearing. It is important to note that not to tug or pull on the strand while it is wet because this can result in breakage of the silk thread and/or stretching which may need that the strand be restrung.
The following ideas will help you to keep your pearls looking their best:
* Remain until after applying make-up, perfume and hairspray to put on your jewelry. Some chemicals may damage jewelry.
* Don't permit pearls to rub against your other jewelry because pearls are a softer gem that can be damaged by other harder gems.
* Softly wipe your pearls clean with a lint free cloth before putting your pearls away after wear.
* Store your pearl jewelry away wrapped up in a clean, soft cloth or the box that it came in so that it is protected from rough objects.
* From time to time, it will be essential to have your pearl necklace re-strung by a professional. Check with a jewelry professional yearly to determine the current condition of your strand.