Made by Barraud, London. Of Huguenot origin there were several Barrauds working in the horological business from the mid-eighteenth century. The makers of this watch were probably Francis and Paul Barraud. Later, the firm became famous as chronometer makers and survived until late in the nineteenth century as Barraud and Lund.

The fusee driven movement has a verge escapement with an uncompensated balance. The spiral pattern on the back of the watch case was produced using a rose engine which mechanically engraved the case. This was then covered by a layer of translucent enamel.

This style of watch can be described as mechanical jewellery. The deep purple enamel and split pearl bezels were designed to appeal to feminine taste. Arabic numerals are used, a rare feature and the gold hands have diamond shaped tips.
This watch was worn to be seen, and is likely to have been hung on the end of a chatelaine, attached to a band at the waist.
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