Engagement Sms, Weddings abroad, Fur Industry, ready made curtains, Breitling Galactic - A fine selection of watches including the Breitling Galactic.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Which are the most popular diamonds in the world?

The Koh-I-Noor: This”Mountain of Light” is the oldest of the well-known diamonds, has an oval shape and weighs 108.93 carats. Discovered in India, the stone is now fraction of the Crown Jewels in the Tower of London.

The Hope: This is a blue diamond of 44.50 carats and with an extraordinary brilliance. At the moment, the stone is on display at the Smithsonian organization in Washington. Had the reputation to bring misfortune.

Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Gemstone Treatments

- Heating, which can lighten, darken or change the color of some gems, or improve a gemstone's clarity.
- Irradiation, which can add more color to colored diamonds, some other gemstones and pearls.
- Impregnating some gems with colorless oils, wax or resins, which makes a variety of imperfections less visible and can improve a gemstones' clarity and appearance.
- Fracture filling, which involves injecting colorless plastic or glass in the gems to hide cracks or fractures and improve the gemstones' appearance and durability.
- Diffusion treatment, which adds color to the surface of colorless gems while the center of the stone remains colorless.
- Dyeing, which adds color and improves color uniformity in some gemstones and pearls.
- Bleaching, which lightens and whitens some gems, including jade and pearls.
- Laser-drilling, which removes dark inclusions from diamonds, improving the clarity of the stone.
The Jewelry Guides state that sellers should tell consumers about gemstone treatments in certain circumstances. If the treatment is not permanent or if the treated stone requires special care, you should tell consumers that the stone has been treated and give them appropriate instructions to care for the gemstone. Even if a gemstone treatment is permanent and doesn't create special care requirements, the Guides require you to tell consumers about the treatment if it significantly affects the value of the gemstone.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Kohinoor Diamond

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Kimberley Diamond

Before the Kimberley Diamond was cut, it weighed about 490-carats and had the color of sparkling wine. In the year 1921, the rough diamond was cut to 70 carats and in 1958 the Kimberley Diamond was re- cut into the current emerald shape and measured about 55.09 carats. The yellow colored diamond with its beautiful shape has been exhibited in different places and finally an undisclosed collector from Texas bought it in 1971.
The Kimberley Diamond has become famous because of its emerald cut. This emerald cut was initially known as ‘step cut’ and was perfectly suited for emeralds, hence the name emerald cut. The emerald cut consists of 58 facets, 8 girdles, 25 crowns and 25 pavilions. The shapes can vary from squares to rectangles. Later this emerald cut was used while shaping hard stones and so it was also applied in case of the diamonds.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
Firestone Diamonds says Botswana mine ahead of schedule

Firestone Diamonds said it reached earthmoving and production plant capacity targets ahead of schedule and recovered a high quality diamond at its BK11 mine in Botswana, raising its expectations for the average value of output at the mine.
It said early diamond recoveries included 13.74 carat stone, with value estimated at $5,000 per carat.
"This recovery is very significant and confirms our expectation that larger diamonds will be recovered at BK11," Chief Executive Philip Kenny said in a statement.
Firestone said it would "comfortably exceed" the target production of 1.5 million tonnes per annum at it BK11 production plant once the phase 2 commissioning was completed in the fourth quarter of 2010.
Firestone, which had agreed to buy rival Kopane Diamond Developments for $71 million to get its hands on Kopane's Liqhobong kimberlite project in July, said plans developed in relation to the mine were in advanced stage.
However, the company said a plant it was building for Debswana Diamond Co at a Botswana mine would be delayed to allow Debswana to focus on certain higher priority projects.
The construction of the modular tailings treatment plant at the Jwaneng mine had been expected to start in the first half of 2011 and reach full production in late 2012, said the diamond miner and explorer with operations in Botswana and South Africa.
Shares of Firestone were up 5.4 percent at 24.75 at 0748 GMT on the London Stock Exchange. They touched a high of 11.8 percent earlier in the session.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Beryl Gemstone - The Mother of all Gemstones

Beryl is the common name given to a group of gems having a similar chemical composition.
Beryl has a hardness of 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs Scale and has a hexagonal crystal system. Beryl is found in many places including Colombia, Africa, Brazil, Russia, Pakistan and California. Other than Jewelry Gemstones Beryl is also the main source of Beryllium which is combined with copper to make high quality resistant wires. It is also used in nuclear reactors, space shuttles.
Beryl jewelry can be cleaned using warm soapy water and then thoroughly rinsed. Though Beryl does not scratch or damage easily It is not advisable to clean beryl stones in ultrasonic cleaners.
Aquamarine is a light bluish green form of beryl. The name of this stone is derived from the Latin word 'Aqua" which means water and 'mare' which means sea.The color of this stone is as a result of the iron content in the stone.
Bixbite is the red form of beryl. It is an extremely rare gemstone and Utah is the only place where bixite can be found. This stone is named after Maynard Bixby who discovered this stone in the year 1904. The red color of this stone is as a result of the manganese content in the stone.
Emerald is the most famous of all beryls and is green in color. The name of this stone is derived from the Greek word ' smargus' which means green gemstone.The green color of this stone is because of the chromium and iron content in the stone.
Goshenite is a form of beryl that does not have any color. This stone is named after 'Goshen' in the US, the place where it was found first.
Heliodor is known as the yellow from of beryl. This stone name is derived from the Greek words 'helios' and 'doros' which means gift from the Sun.The yellow color is due to the iron content in the stone.
Morganite is known as the pink form of beryl. The color of the stone is due to manganese and iron content in stone. Morganite got its name from the American Banker J.P. Morgan.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Surat diamond industry to float Rs1,000-crore company to buy raw diamonds

The new company which will be known as Surat Diamond Sourcing India Limited (SDSIL), will procure diamond roughs, the raw material for the cutting and polishing industry directly from the mines abroad, a top body of traders said yesterday.
"The proposed company is likely to have a corpus of over Rs1,000 crore with contributions of Rs1.08 crore each from nearly 500 members, who shall be the founder shareholders, and another 1,000 members who will pay Rs54 lakh each," Surat Diamond Association president Rohit Mehta said.
Mehta said the company will be soon incorporated under the Companies Act and registered with the Registrar of Companies. The shareholders will be issued shares of Rs10 each. The founder-shareholders shall have voting rights, while those paying Rs54 lakh will enjoy all benefits of being a shareholder except voting rights.
At present the diamond industry is getting the raw material from the world's rough diamond hub Antwerp in Belgium, and Dubai. The Surat traders believe that they often get cheated by the middlemen during the deals.
SDSIL will directly bid for procurement of rough diamonds from mining firms in Canada, Russia and Africa, and will sell it through a tender system to its members. With this SDSIL hopes to compete with other players by directly dealing with global majors like De Beers, Alrosa, Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton and others.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
6 ct. Fancy Blue Diamond

Blue diamonds have long captivated the rich and powerful -- shimmering with a certain dark mystique. The famous "Hope Diamond", a 45.52 carat grey-blue beauty, was passed down through the ages by King Louis XIV of France, Marie Antoinette and American heiress Evalyn Walsh McClean among others. It now rests in the Smithsonian Institute in Washington D.C. The selling price for blue diamonds is often ten times the price for white (colorless) diamonds of similar quality.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Hancock Red Diamond

April 28, 1987: A 0.95 ct Fancy purplish red round brilliant-cut diamond, now known as the Hancock Red, sold at Christie’s in New York for $880,000 fetching $926,000 per carat. The price paid for the Hancock Red set a new world record per-carat price for any gem sold at auction and fetched more than seven times the previous record mark for a diamond ($127,000 per carat, paid for a 7.27 ct pink diamond in 1980). Despite eye-visible inclusions, the Hancock Red commanded such a hefty price due to its exceptionally rare natural color.
The diamond was put up for auction by the heirs of a Montana collector, Warren Hancock, who reportedly had purchased it in 1956 for $13,500. The Hancock Red was one of his several fancy-color diamonds that had been mined and cut in Brazil.
The record price fetched for the Hancock Red in 1987 set a record which was not surpassed until October 2007 when Sotheby's sold a 6.04 carat fancy blue internally flawless diamond at auction for $7,981,835.00 U.S. Dollars which is a stunning $1.3 Million U.S. Dollars per carat!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Diamond Inclusions

Inclusions play a major role while judging the quality of a diamond. Their presence can reduce the value of a diamond. Among the four Cs, clarity determines the stone’s purity. Any kind of internal impurity is termed as Diamond Inclusion.
The various types of diamond inclusions are:
Mineral and Crystal Inclusion: Diamonds may have slighter crystals inside them. These crystals can be smaller diamonds or some other mineral. They are intent within the stone during its formation. Though they are referred to as inclusions, sometimes they can actually create the diamond look more appealing.
Pinpoint Inclusion: They are minute crystals inside the stone which degrade its clarity. They are so small that they need to be viewed under magnification. When several pinpoints gather at the same area of the stone, it appears to be more distracting and hence makes the diamond look dull.
Cloud Inclusion: When several tiny crystals or pinpoint inclusions are grouped together, it emits cloudy and hazy appearance hence developing a cloud in the stone.
Needle Inclusion: Long and thin crystals are termed as needles in diamond inclusions. They are similar to pinpoint inclusions except for their shape.
Feather Inclusion: These are inclusions which actually look like feathers or fractures. Although small feathers are harmless but if they reach the diamond surface then they can probably result in its breakage.
Knot Inclusion: When an included crystal extends to the diamond’s surface, it is termed as a knot. They are a higher risk to the stone as they make the diamond less durable.
Cavity Inclusion: It is large opening in the stone and is also called as a crack which is relatively bigger in size.
Cleavage Inclusion: It is quite similar to cavity inclusion but appears to be a straight crack without any kind of feathering. This can be quite hazardous for the stone since if hit at the right place, the diamond can split down.
Girdle Fringes, Bearding Inclusion: They are hair-like lines which usually develop during the cutting process of the stone. They appear around the girdle and extend from the surface towards its internal part.
Grain Lines Inclusion: They are also called as grain lines and are formed during the formation of the diamond. These lines are formed due to irregular crystallization.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Asscher cut diamonds

Asscher cut diamonds are square shaped. With regard to their shape, asscher cut gemstones resemble an emerald cut stone because both exhibit step cut. But, diamonds with this cut are larger than the emerald cut diamonds.
The different aspects of a diamond are arranged beautifully in asscher cut with the aim to bring out the inner beauty. Its bottom has great depth which accounts for the enormous brilliance of this type of diamond and it is characterized with ‘small table’ and ‘high crown’. One thing that you must notice while selecting your asscher cut diamond is its corners.
Monday, July 26, 2010
A Few Facts about Black Diamonds

Black diamonds, so far, have only been mined in Brazil and Central Africa. Both countries have a well-known history of producing large, rich diamond strikes. Australia is one of the most prolific producer of diamonds and fire opals, but as yet has not hit a strike of black diamonds.
To enhance their color, black diamonds are treated with an electron beam that causes no harm to the stone. This process can be used with other colored diamonds, but is recommended only for the black diamond’s chemical carbon inclusions. The treated stone is then carefully cut into various carat weights and styles that enhance their dark color.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Diamond Cut Grades

Blue Nile Signature Ideal cut: Our most brilliant cut, representing roughly the top 1% of diamond quality based on cut. The highest grades of polish and symmetry allow it to reflect even more light than the standard ideal cut.
Ideal cut Diamonds: Represents roughly the top 3% of diamond quality based on cut. Reflects nearly all light that enters the diamond. An exquisite and rare cut.
Very good cut: Represents roughly the top 15% of diamond quality based on cut. Reflects nearly as much light as the ideal cut, but for a lower price.
Good cut: Represents roughly the top 25% of diamond quality based on cut. Reflects most light that enters. Much less expensive than a very good cut.
Fair cut: Represents roughly the top 35% of diamond quality based on cut. Still a quality diamond, but a fair cut will not be as brilliant as a good cut.
Poor cut: Diamonds that are generally so deep and narrow or shallow and wide that they lose most of the light out the sides and bottom. Blue Nile does not carry diamonds with cut grades of poor.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Type of Diamonds
Natural Diamonds
Natural diamonds are classified by the type and quantity of impurities found within them.
* Type Ia - Thi

* Type Ib - Very few natural diamonds are this type (~0.1%), but nearly all synthetic industrial diamonds are. Type Ib diamonds contain up to 500 ppm nitrogen.
* Type IIa - This type is very rare in nature. Type IIa diamonds contain so little nitrogen that it isn't readily detected using infrared or ultraviolet absorption methods.
* Type IIb - This type is also very rare in nature. Type IIb diamonds contain so little nitrogen (even lower than type IIa) that the crystal is a p-type semiconductor.
Synthetic industrial diamonds
Synthetic industrial d

Thin Film Diamonds
A process called C

Friday, July 9, 2010
Diamond Color grades

Nearly colorless.
Faintly tinted, usually yellow.
Lightly tinted, usually yellow. Tint can be seen with the naked eye.
Tinted, usually yellow, may progress to brownish. Tint visible to the naked eye, even when mounted.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Purple diamonds

Purple diamonds have the same romantic effect as pink diamonds with a touch of mystery. It is a special color which combines both red and blue – which mean it has both warmth and cool effects.
Peled Diamonds presents a wide selection of purple diamonds. You can buy the romantic fancy purple pink diamond or the mysterious and intriguing natural fancy grayish violet diamond.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Blue diamond engagement rings facts

Colored diamonds like blue diamonds have become more and more popular in the 90s and they have maintained their fame up to these days mostly because of celebrities that are location up different trends in jewelry selection. As natural blue diamonds are rare they are also very luxurious, and blue diamond engagement rings are among the most exclusive options when buying diamond engagement ring, if not of course you go for some diamond imitation or choose to choose some lab created diamond.
When it comes to price of a natural blue diamonds then get ready you to spend a real fortune because (natural) blue diamond engagement rings cost in standard 10 to 50 times more than their white counterparts, and are therefore actually intended for people with the uppermost financial power. Like with many other colored diamonds infrequency and high demand result in very high price that only few people are prepared to pay.
Diamond engagement rings with deep blue color are surely amongst the most attractive diamond engagement rings but only few fortunate ladies have the freedom to wear these valuable stones while other can only dream of it or they need to be content with some simulation.
Blue colored diamond engagement rings also make very good asset, since natural blue diamonds are very rare, and in high demand they keep (and even increase) their value over time compared to white diamonds that in most cases lose their value as soon they get out of the diamond jewelry store.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Diamond Grading and Gemological Reports
There are a range of gemological institutes that assess diamonds and issue Diamond Gemological Reports, as well as measure and certify loose diamonds and diamond jewelry. Depending on your region, there are a number of highly regarded companies including the following listed below.
HRD - Hoge Raad Voor Diamant (The Diamond High Council). The officially recognized representative of the Belgium diamond trade and industry. HRD headquarters are situated in Antwerp, World Diamond Center.
GIA -Gemological Institute of America. Founded in 1931 in Los Angeles, the GIA formed and introduced the international grading system. Headquarters are still situated in Los Angeles.
IGI - International Gemological Institute. The oldest institute of its kind in Antwerp. Set up in 1975 with labs in New York, Bangkok, Mumbai and Tokyo.
GemScan - GemScan International was included in 1985 as an autonomous jewelry appraisal laboratory if gem identification. GemScan is based in Toronto, Ontario Canada.
AGS - American Gem Society Founded in 1934 by Robert M. Shipley who also founded the GIA. The AGS is based in Nevada, USA.
EGL - European Gemological Laboratory. EGL was initially opened in Antwerp in 1974, and now has laboratories in Antwerp, New York Los Angeles, Johannesburg, Paris, London, Israel and Seoul.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Champagne diamonds

Champagne diamonds are in nature coloured diamonds that are fashioned in a wide range of colours from light straw to rich cognac.
The 4C's of colour, cut, clarity and carat weight apply to coloured diamonds just as they do to colourless diamonds apart from the intensity of colour, not lack of it, plays a greater part in the assessment.
Argyle Diamonds created the following scale especially for champagne diamonds. The diamonds are graded on a C1-C7 colour scale. C1 and C2 symbolize light champagne, C3 and C4 medium champagne, and C5 and C6 dark champagne. The fancy cognac diamond is graded C7.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Blood Diamonds

Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Colored Diamonds

The most famous diamonds in the world are Color diamonds. The Tiffany Diamond, which is yellow and the desire Diamond which is blue are colored diamonds. Color diamonds have a wonderful financial track record. The value has never decreased on extensive level in more than 30 years. Blue and pink diamonds have doubled every 5 years of a strong economy.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Women's Wedding Rings

High quality diamond bands, like the ones offered at brightness, are set with diamonds of at least H color and SI clearness for optimum sparkle and long life. Though wedding rings are now being sold in a plethora of metals such as stainless steel, silver, and titanium, Brilliance sells wedding ring made of platinum, palladium, and gold, the precious metals most optional for fine jewelry. As well, many of our all-metal wedding bands are cast as one piece with no closure. This method gives the most toughness and defense for your ring against daily wear.
Brides often become emotionally involved to their wedding ring because of its over-romantic value and significance. So, it is significant to choose a wedding ring that offers typical style and longevity. The jewelry experts at Brilliance can help you discover the perfect wedding ring and present creative ways to match your engagement ring style with a matching wedding ring. Our jewelers can also modify your wedding ring by adding up a particular finish or by etching a personalized message on the inside of the ring.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Finding Your Ring Size

1. Cut a narrow piece of paper or a piece of string. The paper should be no wider than 3/4" and at slightest 4 inches long.
2. Cover the paper or string approximately the base of the finger to be sized.
3. Mark the cord or paper wherever it completes s the circle. It should not be too tight, nor should it slip off simply.
4. Calculate the length of the paper or string. Estimate from the starting to the mark with a ruler or tape measure.
5. Locate the measurement on the chart to the following to find the matching ring size.

6. If else all fails, go to a shop jeweler (or any of good reputation jewelry department) and have them size your finger for you.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Red Diamonds
Red diamonds can come into view in the following hue combinations:

Fancy Purplish Red

Fancy Brownish Diamond

Thursday, May 6, 2010
Heart Diamonds

Even if they are hard to find, because of their rising popularity, retailers and manufacturers are charitable them more importance and annoying to transport them in large numbers.
These fancy-cut diamonds disclose the bow-tie shadow effect even though high quality stones show this effect plainly. They classically contain 59 facets.
When fixed in prong setting they look more wonderful than in any other jewelry set, since the beauty of the shape gets noticed simply with this setting. Typically five prongs would be necessary to grip the stone. Two prongs will grip the lobes, another two to grip the sides and a V-shaped prong holding its sharp tip.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Pink Diamonds
Pink diamonds is a type of fancy diamond and is one of the precious and rarest colored diamonds. Because of its infrequency, its price is compared to other colored and neutral diamonds.
They are obtainable in different shades of the color pink: Brownish pink, Purplish Pink, Pink Champagne, Orange Pink and a lot of more. Similar to other colored diamonds and gemstones, the color quality of pink diamonds is judged based upon the color strength and constancy across the diamond. More strong and steady it is more expensive will the diamond be. But it should also be noted that yet lighter shades of pink diamonds are pricey because of their rarity.
Engagement rings with pink diamonds have become very popular because Jenifer Lopez was known a pink diamond engagement ring. Also, these diamonds have been the preferred of many celebrities and tendency setters because they carry a unique factor into the jewelry.
They are available in a variety of styles and settings. But if the preferred design is not available with the seller, then they would always welcome a pink colored loose diamonds and a location to create a custom jewelry with this uncommon diamond. They are moreover valued when set into white gold or platinum metal, as these metals improve their beauty.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Ten reasons why you should desire diamonds for your jewelry
- Diamonds are and always will be best compared to all other jewelry. Their best quality and their rarity build them unique pieces of jewelry, unparalleled in beauty, as well as strength and toughness.
- Diamonds actually do last eternally. In fact this forever is few millions years but still from our point of view such lifetime in truth looks like an eternity.
- Diamonds have extended history, and very rich custom. It's actually classic at its very top, well in terms of jewelry that is.
- Diamonds create outstanding investment since their value in most cases raise after time, meaning that they're not only excellent from aesthetic but also from ecological point of vision.
- Diamonds polish big time, and girls love glittery stuff. Shine adds the further measurement to your jewelry, and diamonds to put it just rule when it comes to shine.
- It is very hard to obliterate diamonds; in fact diamonds can be only injured by other diamonds which makes their protection a quite easy task. Still it is sensible to clean your diamond jewelry from time to time.
- Enormous selection and custom complete diamond jewelry. Variety of different diamonds to decide from, all you need to identify is what you want, and of course have sufficient money to pay the price for your collection.
- Diamonds are forever fashionable. Standard white diamonds are always the most well-liked choice, so essentially you can't go wrong with them.
- Diamonds are no longer obtainable just for rich people, of course there are a number of pieces of diamond jewelry that cost a real chance but "regular looking diamond engagement ring" has suitable price to most "average earning people". Particularly lab shaped diamonds that cost considerably less than usual diamonds, and have the same if not the improved properties.
- Diamonds are ideal gifts. No matter what the time you can not go incorrect with diamonds. After all they are the true best.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
2.11 Carat Mariela2 Diamond 18Karat White Gold Engagement Ring

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Pink Diamond Earrings

Similar to all the other colored stones pink diamonds are always extremely high in demand, and being high in demand sense these babies will not come up to cheap in most cases, particularly if you choose to go for natural pink diamonds that are very rare, and therefore very luxurious.
Several natural pink diamonds have been established in Argyle mine in Australia, while some pink diamonds in the marker also invent from Africa and Brazil. Pink diamond rings are also fairly popular but not quite as well-liked as pink diamond earrings that are always high in insist.
Pink diamond earrings are recommended to girls that are full of self-assurance, proud of their femaleness, and not frightened to add shine of class to their daily look. With pink diamond earrings one obsession is sure, that is that you won't get ignored as they are sure to add the highlight to your face.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Conflict Diamonds

The Kimberley Process was launched in 2003 to control and monitor the trade in rough diamonds. In just three years, the international community has made remarkable strides to certify the $30 billion annual international rough diamond trade by creating a documentary record of rough diamonds from mine to polishing. Rough diamonds must be shipped in sealed containers and exported with a Kimberley Process Certificate which certifies that the diamonds are conflict free.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
What are the techniques to find the diamond is real or fake

Here are some techniques that are used to identify that the diamonds are fake or real one.
Transparency Test
In this transparency test, the stone is located up-side down on a paper with written something. If the characters appear to be readable then you can be sure that the diamond is fake one, as written material cannot be read means the diamond is real one.
Fog Test
Blow a little air on the stone from your mouth to fog it. If the fog lives on the stone, it means the stone is not original diamond. Heat gets detached fast on real diamonds resulting in fascinating the fog within no time.
Ultraviolet test
When a real diamond is held below ultraviolet light, it produces blue colored light. The same goes for it when held below black color. The difficulty of this technique is that along with fake diamonds, high class diamonds also do not produce the future blue colored light.
Reflection Test
A real diamond always reproduces shades of the color grey and white and does not produce rainbow reflections. These rainbow reflections can be seen from fake diamonds or real but small excellence diamonds.
Real diamond sparkles from all sides, no matter which point of view it is view from, whereas in fake diamonds the shine is seen from the peak only and looks dull from all the other side angles.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Diamond Rates head up again

With the U.S. financial system star to recover and the U.S. consumers classically purchasing concerning half the world’s diamonds and diamond jewelry, retail rates are moving up.
By the ending of January 2010, there was an industry wide price increase for diamonds over 3.0 carat weight with price increases series from 1.5% to 3.5% depending on carat weight, color and clearness of the diamond. In middle of the February, one more industry wide price increase occurred for round diamonds in the 1.00 to 1.99 carat range with at least H color and VS2 clearness and had increases in the 1.0% to 5.0% range depending on carat weight, color, and clarity of the diamond.
These early year increases will not be the last increases as projections are for elegant diamond prices to increase by double-digits for 2010. For diamond consumers, this means that the top prices are leaving to be had now quite than later this year or in the predictable future.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Advice on How to Protect Jewelry

Here are few advices regarding how to maintain your jewelry in good condition:
* Store jewelry disjointedly so it does not scratch to other jewelry.
* When doing home tasks such as gardening and cleaning, at that time, remove rings.
* After washing or bathing and applying any makeup or hair spray, put your jewelry.
* Never put on jewelry whereas swimming in a swimming pool. The chlorine can cause spoil to various gemstones and gold.
* Please avoid storing your jewelry after that to a heating vent, window sill or on a car's dashboard. Store your jewelry away from sunlight because the sun rays may fade your gemstones
* Don’t store your pearls in plastic bags.
* The majority jewelers will restring necklaces or rearrange stones
* Sterling silver will shine up by rubbing or polishing it with a spongy cotton cloth.
* Store silver in plastic bags with an interlocking seal to build it less flat to stain.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Black jewelry in fashion

Going black is the leave days in style! Be ready to shine your way during the holidays? And wearing Black is the fashion in the style world!
Black bling is huge in the shape of black titanium or tungsten engagement ring with a big, fat carbonado. "Carbonado" or "black diamonds" is a luxury baubles and a hot product since their detection in Brazil.
With the new trend of black being the color of selection among several people, jewelry designers have been featuring black diamonds and black titanium as hottest trend of jewelry. Black does go with all and as it would with a fancy New Years dress!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

EGL USA specifies the power of fluorescence on its diamond certificates for identification purposes. The look of fluorescence in diamonds exposed to strong ultraviolet lamps ranges from extremely faint (hardly perceptible) to very strong (a neon-blue burn). Some diamonds illustrate no fluorescence at all.
A scientific industry learns showed that, with little exceptions, fluorescence in diamonds involves neither price nor look. In case, diamonds with incredibly strong fluorescence and a particular arrangement of clearness characteristics may look a little "cloudy," but consumers hardly ever encounter such diamonds. Fluorescence may also have a slightly positive power on the appearance of convinced off-colored diamonds, thus making them better-looking to own
Thursday, March 11, 2010
What Should You Know While Buying An Antique Diamond Ring

1. Make sure that the antique diamond ring is efficiently appraised previous to your pay for it. By doing this, you can be certain that all of its gems are genuine. You can also decide if the ring has been repaired or if it needs maintenance in case there are mineral chips or cracks.
2. Look for a snap with a seal or written and signed understanding to identify when the ring was authentic.
3. In case the antique diamond ring needs a mend, get a predictable cost of previous to proceeding.
4. Be flexible. There are gemstones and designs other citizens think as unsuccessful. If you're not into these legends, you might desire to think these antique diamond rings since they might be less luxurious than others.
5. Make sure that you examine and look at closely the state of the antique engagement ring. Get note of the prongs investment the center diamond and the stem of the ring.
6. Make some investigate on 10X jeweler's loupe.
7. Purchase the antique diamond ring from a highly regarded jeweler or Diamond jewelry store.
8. Make sure that all about the antique wedding ring is on paper on receipts, assessments, and guarantees.
9. Identify if the stone is a real diamond or if it is a cubic zirconia, moissanite or other artificial substance.
10. If possible, get an official document from Gemological Institute of America (GIA) to make sure the genuineness of your very old diamond ring.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Diamond Carat Weight

The scale over depicts the carat weights and diameter sizes of round shape diamonds. Other shape of diamonds will differ. For example, whereas a 1 carat round shape diamond is 6.5mm on average, a 1 carat princess shape diamond is frequently 5.5mm instead.
Since diamonds are calculated by carat weight, and not measured by size, two diamonds of the equal weight could have different sizes. Why? If a diamond is cut too low it will have a better diameter but a slighter depth. Similarly, if a diamond is cut too bottomless (or bottom heavy) it will have a lesser diameter and thus emerge smaller when viewed from the top.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Custom Wedding rings

Creating your own wedding ring is the best choice for those who desire their rings to represent their togetherness and union.
You can keep a great deal of money by creating your own wedding ring that expresses the unique love among the couples!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Perfect Cut Builds a Perfect Diamond Ring

When you begin looking for a diamond ring, the cut of the diamond is one of the significant factors to think. For this basis you will hear jewelers talking often about it.
Now, when a jeweler is talk about cut, they aren’t talking regarding the shape of the diamond. You can have different shapes to the diamond like pear or teardrop shape, and still have a good cut or bad cut.
When a diamonds is being cut, the purpose is to cut the angles of the diamond so that the light is pinched into the heart of the diamond and then redirected back to the observer’s eye. This cut is what gives the diamond its shine and twinkle.
If the cut is mistaken, light can leak outside of the stone and be gone on the person observing the diamond wedding band. A good cut will reproduce the light properly.
While you are looking for a diamond rings or a diamond wedding bands, ask the jeweler to show the difference a variety of cuts creates in the reflective qualities of the diamond. It will help vastly in choosing the diamond wedding band that’s right for you or your future bride.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
How to Keep Your Diamond Wedding Bands Beautiful

With a little regular care your diamond wedding bands will keep on glowing for years to come. Every one it takes a little soap and water once a month.
Your wedding band can obtain attractive stained at times. Makeup cosmetics, hand lotions, even the oils in your skin reduce the ring’s shine. The good reports is, with little care you can maintain your diamond wedding band looking similar to new.
Put a little mild soap in a tiny bowl of water. Set your wedding band in the soap and mix the water. Get a soft and flexible brush. An eyebrow brush or lipstick brush is best will work fairly well.
With the band totally submerged softly scrub the band. Then take the wedding band out and dried up it with a lint-free cloth.
Suppose you need a stronger cleaning? You can mix the water with ammonia in a 1:1 ratio and immerse your ring for a bit previous to scrubbing it. Or, if you’re truly serious about cleaning your diamond wedding band, you can get one of the several ultra-sonic cleaners on the marketplace.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Diamond Cut

1. When a diamond is cut to correct size, light is reflected from one surface to another surface and then detached through the top of the stone like to the image shown to the left.

2. If the cut of the diamond is too deep, some light escapes during the opposite side of the pavilion.

Thursday, January 21, 2010
Advantages of Shopping Diamonds in Online
2. Selection is much better. Stores stock a small amount of items which get a year or more to sell; they merely don't have the sheer traffic and volume online merchants enjoy. This is why online merchants have a vast stock of readily-customizable products they can turn over quickly. This results in a smaller amount inventory expenses factored into your jewelry and a much wider selection.
3. Convenience. Yes, you can factually shop in your pajamas for your diamonds online. Not just that, but several online merchants have a database of loose diamonds you can browse and search during, making comparisons easy and painless. Shopping from store to store can be very boring and time consuming.
4. Tax-free! If you are not buying a diamond from your state or region, then that diamond cannot be taxed. On a $5000 diamond, taxes can add up very fast!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Diamond clarity scale

FL (Flawless) - IF (Internally Flawless)Flawless Diamonds disclose no flaws on the surface or inside are the rarest and most attractive gems.
Internally Flawless Diamonds disclose no inclusions and merely insignificant blemishes on the surface below 10 x magnifications.
VVS1 - VVS2 (Very, Very Slightly Included)Very difficult to perceive inclusions below 10x magnification. These are admirable quality diamonds.
VS1 - VS2 (Very Slightly Included)Only looking during a 10X loupe can pinpoint the inclusions in this category and are near not possible to perceive with the naked eye. These are less classy than the VVS1 or VVS2 grades.
SI1 - SI3 (Slightly Included)Diamonds with inclusions smoothly identified below 10x magnification. Finding flaws in this category with the naked eye is hard. The gems in this category preserve their truthfulness, depending on the position of the inclusions.
I1 - I3 (Included)Diamonds with inclusions which may or may not be simply seen by the naked eye. The flaws on the stones in this category will have some result on the brightness of your diamond.